• Select Category
  • Personal Details
  • Payment
We recommend using a Laptop or Desktop PC for hassle-free online registration
CATEGORY Physician (Early Bird)
DATE 21 - 23 Feb,2025
VENUE/LOCATION Grand Hyatt, Abu Dhabi, UAE
CATEGORY Nurses / Pharmacists & Allied Health (Early Bird)
DATE 21 - 23 Feb,2025
VENUE/LOCATION Grand Hyatt, Abu Dhabi, UAE
CATEGORY Medical Residents / Students (Early Bird)
DATE 21 - 23 Feb,2025
VENUE/LOCATION Grand Hyatt, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Early Bird Registration: Save with Special Rates Available Until 15th January , 2025!

The congress will feature two specialized conferences on Day 2, February 22, 2025: the Pediatric Conference and the Pediatric Cardiology Conference; please select your area of interest.

Disclaimer: The organizing committee reserve the right to make any modifications to the program in occurrence of any unforeseen circumstances.
Cancellation / Substitution Policy: If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be very welcome in your place. If this is not suitable, a 20% administration fee will apply. Registrations cancelled less than two weeks before the event are non-refundable.
Additional 5% value added tax (VAT) will be applicable on all fees.

For registration & further information, please contact:
Mr. Afsal or Ms. Zandy
Phone: +971 2 4919888
Mob: +971565033747, +971565033746
Email: afsal@menaconference.com, zandy@menaconference.com