Call For Abstract

9th Emirates Oncology Conference “Modern comprehensive cancer care in the era of the pandemic”
12-13 & 19-20 November 2021 | Virtual Conference
      30th October, 2021 – Deadline for abstract submission
      4th November, 2021 – Notification of acceptance
The Scientific Committee of the 9th Emirates Oncology Conference has issued a call for abstracts for oral and poster presentations. With the theme “Modern comprehensive cancer care in the era of the pandemic”, the meeting will be held on 12-13 & 19-20 of November, 2021 as a virtual event. 
The conference is one of the largest health-related conferences in the region bringing together international and local expertise to cancer care and management. The event will host hundreds of oncology experts from around the world to provide a unique platform to expedite the knowledge transfer emulating both academic and applied cancer care to combat a complex disease - cancer.
The sessions will provide major updates and state-of-the art presentations fostered through a collaboration among experts in oncology and advanced cancer care.
The scientific community is inviting anyone to submit abstracts for the 9th Emirates Oncology Conference.
Abstracts submissions are accepted until 30th of October, 2021. Any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. Upon completion of the evaluation by the Scientific Committee an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ email will be sent to each application submitted. Acceptance or rejection letters will be sent approximately 7 days after deadline submission.
- Breast Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- GI Malignancies
- Radiotherapy
- Urologic Malignancies
- Gynecologic Malignancies
- Hematology
- Pediatric Oncology / Hematology
- Palliative Care
- Head & Neck
- Oncology Nursing
- Geriatrics oncology
- Supportive care
- Others
- Please use the dedicated abstract submission form in the website.
- Type abstract using font type (Calibri) font size (11pt)
- Only one author can be designated as presenting author
- The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts and notify the presenting author of the decision by 4th October, 2021
- Accepted abstracts will be assigned as Poster or Oral presentation, and further instructions will be shared for preparation
- Poster / Oral presenters will get complimentary registration for the day he/she is scheduled to present at the conference and will receive a certificate of appreciation 
Kindly submit your abstract to Ms. Zandy via 
+971 2 4919888, M/WhatsApp: +971 56 503 3746